Over 3400 Perl Modules
Understand how the Perl programming language may be altered and improved making use of Perl modules.
Perl is a well-known scripting language which is used to build various web-oriented apps, including CGI scripts. One of the attributes which distinguish it from other languages is the employment of modules - parts of Perl program code which perform predefined tasks and they're widely accepted. Basically, instead of creating custom-made program code to perform something or pasting tens and hundreds of lines of code in the script, you're able to "call" a module which is already available for this particular task and use only several lines of program code. Because of this, your script will be executed quicker as it is smaller. Employing modules will additionally make a script simpler to modify as you will need to browse through much less code. If you want to use Perl on your site, you need to ensure that the needed modules are available on your server.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Cloud Website Hosting
cloud website hosting packages feature over 3400 Perl modules that you'll be able to benefit from as a part of your CGI scripts or web-based apps. They include both widespread and less popular ones, in order to supply you with a choice with regard to what functions you will be able to add to your websites. A couple of examples are Apache::SOAP, CGI::Session, GD, Image::Magick, URI, LWP and many others. A full list can be found in the Server Information section of our in-house built Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, which comes with all shared accounts. In the same place, you will find the Perl version which we have as well as the path to the modules that you will have to use in your scripts to call a certain module from the library.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you want to work with a Perl-based web app or CGI script, it shall be possible to use 3400+ different modules that can be found on our cloud hosting platform and are a part of every single
semi-dedicated server which we offer. You will be able to see the entire list anytime using your Hepsia Control Panel along with the folder path required for your scripts to access the modules. We recognize the fact that some third-party apps might need modules that are not quite popular in order to operate properly, hence the large amount we've installed on our end. URI, LWP, DBD::mysql and Image::Magick are amongst the modules which you shall be able to use with your Perl apps regardless of the package that you pick.